How to Become an Eligible Training Provider

The Westchester-Putnam Workforce Development Board is soliciting Eligible Training Providers (ETPs) to provide education and training services for a contract period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2027. Contracts are valid for this specific four-year period and establishes approved ETP organizations as a vendor of Westchester County.

ETPs offer broad and diverse training opportunities that support the employment and career path goals of Career Center job seekers. Job seekers who qualify* to receive Individual Training Accounts (ITAs), can get funding to receive specialized training to find a new job or advance their careers in high-demand fields.

Becoming an Eligible Training Provider (ETP)** requires multiple steps. Steps 1 and 2 can be done simultaneously as executing the contract with Westchester County takes a minimum of three months. We encourage ETP’s to assign one person to this task who has the authority to act on behalf of the institution.

Step One: Create your profile on the NYS Department of Labor website, fill in the institutional information, contact details, course curriculum, and payment information. If you need help you can download the NYS-ETPL User Guide. Should you have any questions and or issues entering your organization’s information into the ETPL website, please email or call (518) 457-2372.

After you register on the NYS DOL website, you will receive a confirmation email when your application has been approved.

Step Two: Submit your request to Westchester County to enter into a contract agreement by filling out the form below. The ETP manager will reach out to you with documents to complete to get the process started

Step Three: Once a Westchester County contract has been executed an ETP account will be created with log-in credentials and instructions on how to add course information and access the profile.

*Job seekers need to be deemed eligible for ITA funding by meeting with a member of the Career Center Workforce Team and supply proof of household income. The funding of ITA’s is subject to funding availability.
**The New York State Eligible Training Provider List (NYS-ETPL) was established in compliance with Title 1 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014. Being approved as an ETP does not guarantee that job seekers will select your school or course for training.

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