Overview of Services Available to You

Welcome to the Westchester-Putnam Career Center Network. The “Network” is made up of four Career Centers located in White Plains, Mount Vernon, Peekskill, and Carmel and are primarily staffed by Westchester County, Putnam County, and New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) employees to provide free state-of-the-art technology, training, resources, and services to youth, adults, and employers. The Network also includes partner agencies who work in cooperation to provide expanded services. You are required to register online to obtain an NY# in order to participate in all programs, workshops, and services.

Our locations include:

  1. White Plains Career Center, 120 Bloomingdale Road, White Plains, NY 10605  •  (914) 995-3910  
  2. Mount Vernon Career Center, 130 Mount Vernon Avenue, 1st floor, Mt. Vernon, NY 10550  •  (914) 813-6555  
  3. Peekskill Career Center, 201 South James St., Peekskill, NY 10566  •  (914) 737-3490  
  4. Carmel Career Center, 110 Old Route Six, Bldg #3, Carmel, NY 10512  •  (845) 808-1651

1. Resource Room — Our Resource Rooms are available for your job search use Monday to Friday during business hours, with no appointment necessary (details for each center listed above). They are equipped with computers with Internet access, telephones, photocopier, scanner, printers, fax machine, job postings, community supportive services postings, and staff assistance to support your independent job search. You must have an NY # and will be required to sign in.  A time limit may be enforced based on demand. Basic computer skills are required.

2. Career Development Workshops — Free virtual and in-person workshops are offered at all of our career centers. 
a. The NYSDOL offers free virtual monthly workshops on a wide variety of job search topics. You can register for workshops offered at any of the Career Centers across NYS at https://statistics.labor.ny.gov/career-zone/career-calendar.shtml.
b. In-person & virtual workshops are offered on a variety of topics. Visit www.westchesterputnamonestop.com/workshops for current listings.

3. Job Recruitment and Openings — We can help connect and refer you to jobs! Businesses looking to fill job openings hold virtual recruiting events and post job orders with us.
A. www.westchesterputnamonestop.com: the Westchester-Putnam Career Center’s website provides local information for job-seekers, employers, and youth, including details on career training programs, job readiness and computer skills workshops, local area job listings, and recruitment events. You will need to create a Westchester-Putnam Job-Seeker Account to post your resume and apply for jobs.
B. https://dol.ny.gov/find-job-0: The New York State Department of Labor website acts as a gateway to multiple online websites including the Virtual Career Center, Job Zone, and Hire NY websites. It is recommended that all job seekers create an account and complete their profiles to gain access to all the resources and tools available.
C. Career Fairs: Upcoming career fairs throughout the region are published in a monthly e-blast and on https://www.westchesterputnamonestop.com/about/calendar-of-events.
D. Need personalized job search assistance? Our staff can sit with you, 1-on-1, and conduct a job search with you accessing our database. Let the orientation presenter know you are interested in this service and we will book an appointment for you.

4. The Virtual Career Center — Signing up for a NYSDOL account at https://apps.labor.ny.gov/IndividualReg gives job seekers the ability to manage their job search on the recently launched Virtual Career Center (VCC). The VCC uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify skills and experience to match to appropriate job listings. It also identifies professional development and training recommendations, builds a profile and resume, and manages multiple cover letter versions, and job applications. 

5. Computer Literacy Workshops — Don’t have experience using a computer or need to brush up on your skills?  Look no further than Northstar’s array of free Digital Literacy Assessments and trainings! Job seekers will gain a comprehensive understanding of their own computer/digital strengths and weaknesses, while also acquiring the necessary skills to succeed in today’s job market. Learning can be self-directed or customers can attend in-person workshops where  a staff member provides assistance and proctored testing to earn certificates. Digital literacy assessments and trainings are available in 1) Essential Computer and Software Skills and 2) Using Technology in Daily Life. To participate in Northstar’s no-cost digital literacy assessments, interested individuals should can the website (https://www.digitalliteracyassessment.org/), contact your local Career Center for a workshop schedule or go to www.westchesterputnamonestop.com/workshops.

6. Resume Assistance — Job search professionals can work with you to review and critique your resume in one of our Virtual Resume Workshops or individually in 1-on-1 sessions. You can also find information on how to write and organize https://dol.ny.gov/resumes-cover-letters-and-job-applications.

7. Professional Career Counseling — Finding challenges in your work search? Looking for a new career? Stuck in your career search? Our Employment Counselors can help assess your needs, skills and interests, and provide you with job guidance to help you develop an employment plan. Please ask to be assessed to determine eligibility. Employment Counseling sessions are by referral/appointment only.

8. Veterans are our Priority! — Are you a U.S. Veteran? Please let us know. Veterans receive priority of service at all our Career Centers. We have specific Veteran resources and connections to employers that can help you.

9. Assisting Individuals with Disabilities (ACCES-VR) — Assistance is available for individuals with disabilities striving to achieve and maintain employment. ACCES-VR is the acronym for “Adult Career and Continuing Education Services – Vocational Rehabilitation.”  A referral is required to be made by your employment counselor.

10. Free-to-Low Cost Training Opportunities
599 Program — If you are currently collecting UI benefits, Section 599 is a provision in the Unemployment Insurance Law that makes it possible for you to receive benefits while attending a full-time training program. The training, however, must be approved by the Department of Labor.  When training has been approved under this provision, unemployment recipients are excused from the requirement to look for work and may be eligible for additional weeks of benefits (if funding is available).  Approval under Section 599 of the Unemployment Insurance Law does not include tuition assistance. To learn more visit: https://dol.ny.gov/599-program.

B. Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) — Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) help eligible jobseekers get specialized training to find a new job or advance in their careers. Vouchers are issued to help pay for training at approved training providers. Schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor to learn more about eligibility requirements and arrange for a needs assessment. Up to $5,000 is available per person for tuition vouchers within our high-demand occupations (See e). 

C. On-the-job Training (OJT) — State and/or federal incentives are available to employers who can receive up to 50% of the employee’s total wages paid during a defined training period (up to 6 months). Your training can be offset with federal funds at no cost to the employer. A letter explaining this benefit is available for you to use in your job search. Schedule an appointment to meet with an employment counselor to discuss eligibility.

D. Adult & Continuing Education — Tuition-free or low cost classes for ESL are available for adults age 21 and over. Enrollment is open year-round in the White Plains Career Center only. Call 914-995-3910 for more information. 

E. Career Pathways — As a Career Center customer, you have the opportunity to commit to a path of training that leads to a career while earning recognizable credentials such as a license, certification, and/or degree in one of the following demand industries: Advanced Manufacturing, Biotechnology, Healthcare, Information Technology, Not-for-Profit, and Professional Services. Schedule an appointment to meet with one of our Career Coaches to determine eligibility.

11. Youth/Young Adult Initiatives — The “Network” has several programs targeted to the employment and job readiness needs of individuals 16–24 years old. These programs include the Workforce Development Academy for Youth (WDAY), Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), Youth Employment Program (YEP) and the Gun Violence Prevention Program (GVP).  Services are delivered through community partners. Enrollment eligibility varies from program to program, but the goal of each program is to help Westchester’s youth find meaningful and sustainable employment.  Please contact Youth Program Director, Liz Oliveto at eqo9@westchestercountyny.gov to determine eligibility and to learn more about these programs.

12. Apprenticeships (PAID) — NYSDOL’s registered apprenticeship programs involve learning a skilled occupation through paid on-the-job training under the guidance of experienced workers, often including related classroom work. The length of training varies depending on the apprenticeship. 

A. To see full current opportunities and application instructions go to https://dol.ny.gov/apprenticeship/become-apprentice.

B. For more information you may contact our regional representative Jiwanda Gale-Rogers at 914-997-1445.

13. Free Income Tax Assistance Program (Seasonal) — VITA provides free tax preparation for low-income working families and individuals. The free service helps people owe less tax and get cash back from the IRS through the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Program. The tax season typically runs from Feb. 1 until April 15. Call the United Way 2-1-1 Helpline or 1-800-899-1479 to see if you are eligible and to make an appointment. 

14. Discretionary Grants — The Westchester-Putnam Workforce Development Board (WPWDB) works diligently to secure a number of federal and state grants to help those who face barriers to obtaining long-term employment. These grants are used for job readiness bootcamps, skills training, and career coaching and have specific eligibility requirements. Schedule an appointment to meet with an employment counselor to discuss current opportunities and eligibility requirements. 

15. Healthcare Insurance Assistance — There are on-site healthcare facilitators to assist with your questions on how to enroll for low-cost quality health coverage for you and your family. Go to www.NYStateofhealth.ny.gov and 1-800-662-1220 or for a list of benefits you may be eligible for go to: https://mybenefits.ny.gov/mybenefits/begin to create an account.

Additional Resources

16. Self-Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) — Gives you the opportunity to start your own business while receiving UI benefits. To qualify you must meet certain eligibility requirements, and you must have at least 13 weeks of benefits remaining by the time your application is received. You would be responsible for your own business expenses and would be required to take at least 20 hours of entrepreneurial training. To learn more about this program, go to www.labor.ny.gov/seap and view the online SEAP orientation.

17. Interested in Starting a Business? “Score” Can Help!Located at the White Plains Public Library, SCORE offers free services to help businesses start, operate, and expand. Whether you need financing assistance, legal advice, strategies for developing new business opportunities in Westchester County, recruiting advice, or help with permits or licenses, they have retired executives on-hand to guide you with their experience and knowledge. Go to https://westchester.score.org for information on how to schedule an appointment with them and for their calendar of events and business-related workshops or call 914-948-3907.