mastersJobs Waiting / Healthcare —To see how well the Jobs Waiting “boot camps” are working, take a look at Tina Master. One of 86 participants who have graduated from the six-week healthcare job training programs so far, she landed a job almost immediately as an information technology assistant at Cabrini Eldercare.

“I hadn’t thought about a career in healthcare, but I knew my skills could be a perfect fit,” says Master, explaining her decision to apply for the free program. “The Jobs Waiting program gave me my self-worth back, helped me perfect my ‘elevator pitch’, and taught me how to prepare for a job interview. Most importantly, I had the chance to meet employers who were looking for candidates — one of whom ended up hiring me.”

Master entered the training program with a background that made her attractive to businesses. She had more than a decade of experience in engineering and technology jobs, an undergraduate degree in engineering and two master’s degrees – in finance and library science. But she’d lost confidence in her ability to find full-time work after three years of working part-time and in consulting roles while staying home with her children. She was having a tough time finding a job that would challenge her or for which she was not overqualified.

In a graduation ceremony at the end of the boot camp, Master met Simone Smith, director of human resources at Cabrini Eldercare, who brought her in for interviews and hired her into a position that comes with the potential for growth and promotion. “We are so busy hiring, so this program is perfect for us,” Smith said. “We’ve been very impressed with the candidates, who are professional and prepared.”

"The job opportunities in healthcare are more than just clinical positions," Smith added. "The sector also needs employees to working accounting, technology, customer service, and medical coding and billing," she said.
For those opportunities that require advanced training, Jobs Waiting provides tuition subsidies that may be applied at local educational institutions.

For more information, go to Jobs Waiting.